java - Transaction Management in Hibernate with DAO Design Pattern -

i have many tables, every table,we have dao interface , daoimplementation class.

example dao interface

public interface cancelpolicydao {  public cancelpolicy insertcancelpolicy(cancelpolicy cpdao)throws channeldispatcherexception;  public cancelpolicy updatecancelpolicy(cancelpolicy cpdao)throws channeldispatcherexception;  public void deletecancelpolicy(cancelpolicy cpdao)throws channeldispatcherexception;  public cancelpolicy findbycancelpolicydata(integer id, integer offsetum, integer nights, float poram, byte ispercent)throws channeldispatcherexception;  public cancelpolicy findbycancelpolicyid(integer id)throws channeldispatcherexception; } 

example daoimplementation class

public class cancelpolicydaoimpl implements cancelpolicydao {  @override public cancelpolicy insertcancelpolicy(cancelpolicy bean) throws channeldispatcherexception {      session ses = null;     try {          ses = hibernateconnector.getinstance().getsession();;         ses.flush();         return bean;     } catch (exception e) {         e.printstacktrace();         throw new channeldispatcherexception(dbutil.getstacktracemessage(e));     } {         if (ses != null) {             try {                 ses.close();             } catch (exception er) {                 er.printstacktrace();             }         }     }  }  @override public cancelpolicy updatecancelpolicy(cancelpolicy bean) throws channeldispatcherexception {     session sess = null;      try {          sess = hibernateconnector.getinstance().getsession();         sess.update(bean);         sess.flush();         return bean;     } catch (exception e) {       e.printstacktrace();         throw new channeldispatcherexception(dbutil.getstacktracemessage(e));     }  }  @override public void deletecancelpolicy(cancelpolicy bean) throws channeldispatcherexception {     session sess = null;      try {          sess = hibernateconnector.getinstance().getsession();         sess.delete(bean);         sess.flush();     } catch (exception e) {      e.printstacktrace();         throw new channeldispatcherexception(dbutil.getstacktracemessage(e));     }  }  @override public cancelpolicy findbycancelpolicydata(integer id, integer offsetum, integer nights, float poram, byte ispercent) throws channeldispatcherexception {      session ses = null;     try {         ses = hibernateconnector.getinstance().getsession();         query query = ses.createquery("from cancelpolicy "                 + " a.cancelpolicytypeid =:cancelpolicytypeid  "                 + " ,   a.offsetunitmultiplier =:offsetunitmultiplier  "                 + " ,   a.nights =:nights  "                 + " ,   a.percentoramount =:percentoramount "                 + " ,   a.ispercent =:ispercent");          query.setparameter("cancelpolicytypeid", id);         query.setparameter("offsetunitmultiplier", (offsetum));         query.setparameter("nights", (nights));         query.setparameter("percentoramount", poram);         query.setparameter("ispercent", ispercent);          list querylist = query.list();         if (querylist != null && querylist.isempty()) {             return null;         } else {             return (cancelpolicy) querylist.get(0);         }     } catch (exception e) {        e.printstacktrace();         throw new channeldispatcherexception(dbutil.getstacktracemessage(e));     } {         if (ses != null) {             try {                 ses.close();             } catch (exception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();             }         }     }  }  public cancelpolicy findbycancelpolicyid(integer id) throws channeldispatcherexception {      session ses = null;     try {         ses = hibernateconnector.getinstance().getsession();         query query = ses.createquery("from cancelpolicy "                 + " =:id  ");          query.setparameter("id", id);          list querylist = query.list();         if (querylist != null && querylist.isempty()) {             return null;         } else {             return (cancelpolicy) querylist.get(0);         }     } catch ( exception e) {        e.printstacktrace();         throw new channeldispatcherexception(dbutil.getstacktracemessage(e));     } {         if (ses != null) {             try {                 ses.close();             } catch (exception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();             }         }     }  }   

example main method

 public static void main(string[] args)  {         // how handel transaction in hibernate ?      cancelpolicydao cancelpolicydao = hibernatedaofactory.getinstance().getcancelpolicydao();        cancelpolicy insertcancelpolicy = cancelpolicydao.findbycancelpolicydata(2, 76, 25, 25.36f, 3);     if(insertcancelpolicy==null){         cancelpolicy cancelpolicy = new cancelpolicy();     cancelpolicy.setcancelpolicytypeid(1);     cancelpolicy.setnights(2);      insertcancelpolicy = cancelpolicydao.insertcancelpolicy(cancelpolicy);     }     integer autoincrementid = insertcancelpolicy.getid();      availabilitydao availabilitydao =  hibernatedaofactory.getinstance().getavailabilitydao();     availability availability = new availability(); //        using  cancelpolicy autoincrementid      availability.setid(autoincrementid);     availability.setcount(2);     availability.setmaxlos(5);     availabilitydao.insertavailability(availability);     .     .     .     .     .    } 

now question how handle transaction in daoimpl's ? should pass session object parameter every daoimpl's or there better approach

i'd recommend not reinvent wheel; use existing, robust , tested code.

the comments mentioned aop , spring framework. imho way go. spring framework has subproject called spring data allows define finder methods (like findbycancelpolicydata) in declarative way.

this save lot of work.

if reason don't want / may not use spring, can still read amazingly documentation of base framework , mentioned spring data in order gain lots of excellent ideas, regarding transaction (via aop), code reuse (via generic daos) or api design. don't miss read.


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