automation - Error #NAME? after putting formula from Visual FoxPro into the Excel cell -

i populate existing excel spreadsheet using visual foxpro automation. if put valid excel formula =sum(d2:d4) #name? error. when confirm (that is, click on cell , press enter) cell (with no changes), error disappears. use excel 2007 polish version, proper formula =suma(d2:d4).

here part of code:

oexcel = createobject("excel.application") oexcel.visible = .t. oexcel.application.usercontrol=.t. oexcel.application.interactive=.t. oexcel.displayalerts = .f.  oworkbook ="&xfile") oexcel.activesheet.usedrange.entirecolumn.autofit tformula = "=suma(d2:d4)" tcell = "d5"  oexcel.range("&tcell").value = [&tformula] 

as see, turned off displayalerts. if manually turn off formulas checking option-formulas in excel doesn't help.


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