c# - Windows Phone 8.1 How to programatically create a tile with specified template -

i'm trying figure out how create programatically tile specified template (tilesquare150x150text03)? tried follow these guides link , msdn , few similiar, wherever paste < tile> ... < /tile > markup (e.g. in page or app .xaml file) visual studio underlines markup , says "tile not supported in windows phone project". don't need tile updates or tiles 2 sides. simple 1 specified template, background color/image , filled text.

can explain me i'm doing wrong? thank help.

simple! need parse tile template (an xml string) xelement object in code:

var template = "<tile>etc</tile>"; var tilexe = xelement.parse(template); 

either configure template xml liking before or after (demo in article linked)

then post tile manager

var tilenotification = new tilenotification(tilexe); tileupdatemanager.createtileupdaterforapplication().update(tilenotification); 

you can anywhere in app long code runs on ui thread. note there limit how can update tile, last time checked every 15 seconds @ most.


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