java - What is wrong with my JTextField here? (details in text) -

edit: ui class sends #login client, client sends server, server sends "@login" client indicating successful log-in , client sends "@login" along ui via ui.display()

apologies bad grammar/formatting.

here's relevant block of code, explanation follow:

    else if (e.getsource() == this.loginbutton)     {                        if (this.soundon == true)         {   ;         }             this.client.handlemessagefromclientui("#login "+this.loginfield.gettext());         this.client.handlemessagefromclientui("#balance");         this.client.setloginid(this.loginfield.gettext());                                if (this.loggedin)         {             this.loginbutton.setenabled(true);              this.note.settext("account screen");             this.status.settext("logged in to: "+this.client.getloginid());                           this.maindisplay.removeall();                        this.controlbar.removeall();              this.maindisplay.add(box.createrigidarea(new dimension(0,30)));             this.maindisplay.add(this.title);                                            this.maindisplay.add(box.createrigidarea(new dimension(0,50)));             this.maindisplay.add(box.createrigidarea(new dimension(100,0)));             this.maindisplay.add(this.balancelabel);                                                                       this.maindisplay.add(box.createrigidarea(new dimension(0,110)));              this.controlbar.add(debitbutton);             this.controlbar.add(creditbutton);             this.controlbar.add(quitbutton);              this.repaint();                          }         else         {             joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null, "log-in failed.", "alert", joptionpane.error_message);         }     }    public void display(string msg) {            if (msg.startswith("@login"))     {         this.loggedin = true;     }     else if (msg.startswith("@balance"))     {         this.balancelabel.settext("balance: $"+msg.substring(43));         this.repaint();     }     else if (msg.startswith("@alert"))     {         joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null, msg.substring(7), "server message", joptionpane.plain_message);     }     else     {         //joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null, msg, "server message", joptionpane.information_message); //for debugging     } } 

this part of class, here's rest:

my problem in actionperformed(actionevent e) in loginbutton case. goes block once when button clicked:

        else         {             joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null, "log-in failed.", "alert", joptionpane.error_message);         } 

then if click button again works , goes if (this.loggedin) case block. loggedin=true obtained when line executed:

this.client.handlemessagefromclientui("#login "+this.loginfield.gettext()); 

which in turn calls:

public void handlemessagefromclientui(string message) { else   {        try       {           sendtoserver(message);       }       catch(ioexception e)       {           clientui.display("could not send message server.");           //quit();       }   } } 

which calls server.handlemessagefromclient(object msg, connection client) has following relevant code in it:

                try                 {                     client.sendtoclient("@login logging in account: "+tempstr);                                           }                 catch (ioexception e)                 {                      system.out.println("failed send message client");                 }                 client.setinfo("loginid", tempstr); 

i know doesn't fail send, i've tested out. problem why if statement in actionperformed fail first time button pressed though text typed in textfield, passes second time??


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