php - How to add custom field in to order grid for magento admin panel -

i have query order grid in magento admin panel. have display purchase products there qty, total weight particular order, weight unit. can 1 me how can achieve task.

i tried many solution not getting it.

you can use renderer add custom field code in config.xml

<core_block_abstract_prepare_layout_before>      <observers>       <core_block_abstract_prepare_layout_before_handler>          <type>model</type>          <class>adminordergridcustom/observer</class>          <method>adminordergridcolumn</method>         <args></args>       </core_block_abstract_prepare_layout_before_handler>     </observers>   </core_block_abstract_prepare_layout_before> 

your code in observer.php file

       public function adminordergridcolumn(varien_event_observer $observer)         {             $block = $observer->getevent()->getblock();              if($block instanceof mage_adminhtml_block_sales_order_grid)             {              $block->addcolumnafter('qty', array(                 'header' => mage::helper('sales')->__('qty'),                 'index' => 'qty',             ),'imported');              }         }   need add column 'qty' in database 'sales_flat_order' table  

and update field on event . value in grid.


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