How to create Firefox Extension to send active tab URL to its Native, similar to chrome native messaging and install it through msi -

i have developed c# win form application , chrome extension native messaging (another c# console app) fetch user's active tab url. have developed msi setup in wix write under registry (hklm/software/wow6432node/google/chrome/extensions , hklm\software\wow6432node\google\chrome\nativemessaginghosts) programmatically , tested installation of chrome extension running setup on different windows 7 machines. publishing extension on chrome web store , shall install extension on several client computers.

i want accomplish same mozilla firefox. newbie in field , going through firefox developers guides (xpcom, js-ctypes etc.) , getting little confused multiple links.

it of great if can guide me towards exact solution. please note that, 1) have install extension programmatically through same msi package contains own c# app , chrome extension native app , 2) client machines windows version (xp (optional), 7, 8, server anything).

according noitidart's answer, have made ffext.xpi 4 files (bootstrap.js, myworker.js, chrome.manifest, install.rdf) , uploaded , installed on firefox, no error, nothing happens. @ first, concentrating on browser extension part , not native , i want have listener inside js files such whenever switch different firefox tab or firefox window, alert should show browser (not native @ moment) displaying active tab's url. don't understand how js files called or executed, how line myworker.addeventlistener('message', handlemessagefromworker); work or if need add other listener. nothing happening @ all. how debug or proceed here? please help.

to current url of window this:


to access windows this:

            cu.import('resource://gre/modules/services.jsm');             let domwindows = services.wm.getenumerator(null);             while (domwindows.hasmoreelements()) {                 let adomwindow = domwindows.getnext();                 if (adomwindow.gbrowser) {                     var currenturl = adomwindow.gbrowser.currenturi;                 }             } 

if don't check gbrowser adomwindow.location chrome path, likely.

so putting togather chromeworker (the chromeworker access js-ctypes) template here: (this template bare minimum needed communication between chromeworker , js file, in case bootstrap.js) (bootstrap.js js file required , run, 4 startup,shutdown,install,uninstall functions required in bootstrap.js)

from bootstrap.js do, lets in startup:

function startup() {     loadandsetupworker(); //must after startup     myworker.postmessage({         atopic: 'currenturl',         aurl: services.wm.getmostrecentwindow('navigator:browser').gbrowser.currenturi.spec // recent window of type navigator:browser has gbrowser         alinkedpanel: services.wm.getmostrecentwindow('navigator:browser').gbrowser.selectedtab.getattribute('linkedpanel') //we use make sure right tab/window on message     }); } 

then in worker we'll this:

self.onmessage = function(msg) {     switch ( {         case 'currenturl':             var ret = msgbox(0, "alert ctypes on windows, url is:" +, "ctypes alert windows", mb_ok);             self.postmessage({                 atopic: 'currenturl-reply',                 thelinkedpanel:,                 aresponde: aret             });             break;         default:             throw 'no atopic on incoming message chromeworker';     } } 

then in bootstrap.js we'll receive message , it:

function handlemessagefromworker(msg) {     console.log('incoming message worker, msg:', msg);     switch ( {         case 'currenturl-reply':             let domwindows = services.wm.getenumerator('navigator:browser');             while (domwindows.hasmoreelements()) {                 let adomwindow = domwindows.getnext();                 if (adomwindow.gbrowser && adomwindow.gbrowser.selectedtab.getattribute('linkedpanel') == {                     //this our window, selected tab linkedpanel same 1 worker dealt                     var currenturl = adomwindow.gbrowser.currenturi;                     adomwindow.gbrowser.selectedtab.contentwindow.alert('the user prompted js-ctypes , user clicked on:' + aret);                     break;                 }             }             break;         default:             console.error('no handle msg worker of atopic:',;     } } 

so example does, on install/startup of addon gets recent browser windows url. sends ctypes, ctypes throws os level alert, , ctypes sends user clicked, bootstrap.js finds same window , tab , javascript alert tells jsctypes os level msgbox return value was.


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