vb.net - teechart lable is not showing -

i using steema.teechart component in our application generate reports. drowing line left rigth , on rigth side have lable text like: e7, b8, ext... per line

the problem is: when lines close each other text/line name not showing in repport. enter image description here in image can see 3 lines. poroblem line name of top line not visible.

here example when ok:

enter image description here

here code using,

any advice appreciated

dim mrk styles.points mrk = me.addmark(color.transparent, " ") mrk.marks.visible = false mrk.marks.transparent = true mrk.vertaxis = styles.verticalaxis.both mrk.useaxis = true  mrk.add(maxx, csng(drw!afn_x), drw!afn_label.tostring)  private function addmark(byval color color, byval oms string) styles.points     dim lpt new styles.points     chart.series.add(lpt)     lpt.showinlegend = false     lpt.marks.visible = true     lpt.marks.transparent = true     lpt.marks.color = color     lpt.marks.style = styles.marksstyles.label     lpt.marks.text = oms     lpt.marks.arrowlength = -8     lpt.marks.arrow.visible = false     lpt.pointer.visible = false     lpt.linepen.visible = false     lpt.color = color.transparent     lpt.pointer.color = lpt.color     lpt.linepen.color = lpt.color     lpt.useaxis = false     lpt.title = ""     return lpt end function 

this prevent label overlapping. automatic labels not plotted if they'd overlap. can overcome issue using custom labels. you'll find example @ all features\welcome !\axes\labels\custom labels in features demo @ teechart's program group. example:

  tchart1.axes.left.labels.items.clear();    (tchart1.axes.left.labels.items.add(123,"hello")).font.size=16;   (tchart1.axes.left.labels.items.add(466,"good\n\rbye")).transparent=false;   tchart1.axes.left.labels.items.add(300);   axislabelitem = tchart1.axes.left.labels.items.add(-100);   a.transparent=false;   a.color=color.blue;   a.transparency=50; 

if doesn't please send short, self contained, correct (compilable), example. can post files here.


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