python - Beginner can't clear some lines into this code for LCD Screen -

here part of code screen words on lcd screen raspberry pi.

it's work fine can't clear screen between each groups of words. moment : new word written while last words remains on screen

code :

 def typewriter_like(sentence, lcd_line, delay=0.7):      i,letter in enumerate(sentence):          lcd_byte(lcd_line, lcd_cmd)          lcd_string(sentence[:i+1],1)          time.sleep(delay)     mots = (("example", "examples", "exampless", "examplesss"),           ("one", "two", "three", "four"),           ("lulu", "fifi", "lolo", "riri"),           ("new", "neww", "newww", "newwww"))   lcds = (0x80, 0xc0, 0x94, 0xd4)   list(zip(mots,lcds))   [(('example', 'examples', 'exampless', 'examplesss'),128),(('one', 'two', 'three', 'four'),192),(('lulu', 'fifi', 'lolo', 'riri'),148),(("new", "neww", "newww", "newwww")),128]    while true:     mot in mots:         word, lcd in zip(mot, lcds):             typewriter_like(word, lcd)         time.sleep(10)      word, lcd in zip(mot, lcds):         typewriter_like(" " * 20, lcd)      time.sleep(4) 

basically want clear screen each time 4 words have been printed , have stayed screened 10 seconds.

what want : example/examples/exampless/examplesss : ok... 10 seconds... : all cleared before next 4 words : one,two,three,four

every lcd display has it's own instructions/commands . based on previous questions guess hd44780, if follow linked manual, find list of instructions on page 24 .

my guess following line clear lcd .

lcd_byte(0x01, lcd_cmd) 


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