ruby - Why is spec failing? -

i have 2 specs. 1 written using defaults (i think selenium default?) , other using webkit. same, 1 fails other doesn't


let(:admin) {create(:user, :admin)}   let(:programme) { create(:programme, :full_payment_scheme) }    before(:each)     login_as(admin)     visit edit_programme_path(programme)   end    scenario 'adding payment_scheme', js: true       new_payment_scheme = create(:payment_scheme)       visit edit_programme_path(programme)       click_link 'add payment scheme'       select, from: all('select[id*="programme_programme_payment_schemes_attributes"][id*="payment_scheme_id"]').last[:id]       fill_in all('input[id*="programme_programme_payment_schemes_attributes"][id*="markup"]').last[:id], with: 50       fill_in all('input[id*="programme_payment_scheme_allocations_attributes"][id*="interval_weeks"]').last[:id], with: 10       fill_in all('input[id*="programme_payment_scheme_allocations_attributes"][id*="allocation"]').last[:id], with: 100        expect {click_button "save"}.to change{programmepaymentscheme.count}.by(1)   end 

the javascript in spec above happens on click_link 'add payment scheme'. adds controls payment scheme page , these filled in. note know ids strange, when use nested attributes , add controls dynamically page id has random part in (usually calculated of date). can't use direct id. have use funky css selector.

results default

programme edit page   editing payment_scheme     adding payment_scheme  finished in 8.57 seconds (files took 1.25 seconds load) 1 example, 0 failures  top 1 slowest examples (7.6 seconds, 88.7% of total time):   programme edit page editing payment_scheme adding payment_scheme     7.6 seconds ./spec/features/programmes/programme_edit_spec.rb:48 ryanme@ryan-mes-macbook-pro ~/sites/phoenix ±20487304354485⚡ »  rspec spec/features/programmes/programme_edit_spec.rb 

results webkit

programme edit page   editing payment_scheme     adding payment_scheme (failed - 1)  failures:    1) programme edit page editing payment_scheme adding payment_scheme      failure/error: expect {click_button "save"}.to change{programmepaymentscheme.count}.by(1)        expected result have changed 1, changed 0      # ./spec/features/programmes/programme_edit_spec.rb:57:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'      # -e:1:in `<main>'  finished in 3.8 seconds (files took 0.53482 seconds load) 1 example, 1 failure  failed examples:  rspec ./spec/features/programmes/programme_edit_spec.rb:48 # programme edit page editing payment_scheme adding payment_scheme  top 1 slowest examples (3.48 seconds, 91.5% of total time):   programme edit page editing payment_scheme adding payment_scheme     3.48 seconds ./spec/features/programmes/programme_edit_spec.rb:48 

when save , open page using launchy, see reason it's not filling in payment scheme fields. functionality works fine using selenium. have tried reworking test, no luck there.

i think everything. input appreciated.

it couple of things

the obvious having async problems because you're using capybara. capybara/test thread tells browser click button , continues on. doesn't wait else happen, browser still working on js , sending out request application example. solve sleep or trigger listen for.

it js button click or code handling js request not doing should be.


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