Wrong Display Converting Array to XML Result in PHP -

i have trouble display xml in php. before it, converted array code xml. got array result oci_fetch_array

while ($data = oci_fetch_array($stmt, oci_both)) {         $parent = $data['parent'];         if($data['parent'] == 0) {             $idx++;             $idx2 = 0;             $product[$idx]['text'] = $data['name'];             $product[$idx]['cls'] = "folder";          } else {             $product[$idx]['children'][$idx2]['id'] = $data['id'];             $product[$idx]['children'][$idx2]['name'] = $data['name'];             $product[$idx]['children'][$idx2]['code'] = $data['code'];             $idx2++;         }     } 

and array result:

array (     [-1] => array         (             [children] => array                 (                     [] => array                         (                             [id] => 4                             [name] => speedy 384 kb                             [code] => speedy_384kb                         )                      [1] => array                         (                             [id] => 7                             [name] => speedy 2 mb                             [code] => speedy_2mb                         )                  )          )  ) 

then used php code convert xml, code:

$product2=array($product); $xml = new simplexmlelement("<services/>"); array_walk_recursive($product2, array ($xml, 'addchild')); $string=$xml->asxml(); echo '<pre>', htmlentities($string), '</pre>'; 

yes, got result it's not hope. result...

   <?xml version="1.0"?>    <services>         <4>id</4>         <speedy yoo>name</speedy yoo>         <speedy_loo>code</speedy_loo>         <7>id</7>         <2 mb>name</ 2 mb>         <u2mb>code</u2mb>     </services> 

the result want this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>    <services>         <id>4</id>         <name>speedy yoo</name>         <code>speedy_loo</code>         <id>7</id>         <name>2 mb</name >         <code>u2mb</code>     </services> 

how can right one? me, thanks

you need use array_flip() before using simplexmlelement because uses array index values , array values tag names.

presuming $product contains data:

$product2=array(array_flip($product)); $xml = new simplexmlelement("<services/>"); array_walk_recursive($product2, array ($xml, 'addchild')); $string=$xml->asxml(); echo '<pre>', htmlentities($string), '</pre>'; 


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